Client: This jean manufacturer is woven into the fabric of American life as one of the top three brands in the U.S. It’s a history that spans more than 100 years.
Challenge: Launch a new line of women’s jeans in a national press kit for the industry and media.
Strategy: Utilize focus group research to personify this leading brand as a trusted confidant who “listens” to women in their timeless quest for the perfect jeans. Introduce the brand as the answer to that quest and position the target market as the brilliance behind the new design. Engage media and the industry in a short, upbeat, and entertaining journey through the mind of a woman on her quest – a departure from the usual tone of industry launches in this price category. Reinforce that this is truly a new line of jeans for this well-established market leader.
Design concept in a way that gives creative inspiration to a series of print and broadcast ads in the same theme into in‐store signage and displays. Plus, further strengthen the brand’s position as a jean manufacturer known for quality and value that keeps current with the needs and wants of its target audience.
Results: This concept won ThinkinBig’s agency client the account and led to additional presentations on two existing brands of both women’s and men’s jeans.